The Lilac Players—A Play Reading Group

Day of Week: Tuesday
Course Length: 5 weeks
Starting: 04/15/2025
Ending: 05/13/2025
Period of Day: Period 2 In-Person
Time: 11:30 - 1:00
Course Fee: $50

Course Description:

The Lilac Players will spend five weeks reading a variety of plays for our enjoyment. Experience is not necessary. You just need to be a bit of a “ham” and have a desire for fun. We always enjoy reading, bonding and emoting. Please sign up as soon as possible, so that we know how many roles we’ll need. That will help us choose fun plays to read.  No memorization or performances, just reading and enjoying. Remember: “All the world’s a stage” and we are it!  The plays will be available in PDF format. Each participant will be responsible for bring his/her script with them in either hard copy or on a device.  A read-through is encouraged before each meeting.

Books and Other Resources:

Copies of the plays chosen

Course Leader Bio(s)

Maryann Wyner

I have been involved in theater since high school as both an actor, stage manager, and properties manager. After one short time on stage at Clark University as a corpse, I waited until my teaching days to get involved. After receiving a BA from Clark, I went on, while teaching, to get a MA in English at Simmons College. At Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall in Waltham, I served as the assistant director and occasional actor for over 30 high school performances. As a teacher, acting was always part of the job, so getting involved in the LILAC Players allowed me to delve into something that has always made me smile. After retiring from teaching, opportunities arose at Temple Shir Tikva where I performed in Fiddler on the Roof, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, the Megillah According to Grease, and Little Shop of Horrors.

Roseli Weiss

I have been in local theater for many years. Recently, I was in a two-year musical production of We Did It For You – the history of the women’s right to vote, and currently am a costumed guide on the Freedom Trail. I am a retired public school superintendent with three masters degrees and a doctorate and have spent over 40 years in education from teaching to principalship to directorship.