Members’ Corner

Members’ Corner contains items of special interest to members of LLAIC. If you are not a member and would like to become one, you can register for membership any time – visit Join LLAIC for details.

Member contact information:

The Member List is a password-protected file of member contact information. The password is made available to you by Board members, your course leaders or at member events.

Please preserve the privacy of your fellow members by not sending the password by email or otherwise propagating it.

To view the member list, click here. Note that the list is usually about 20 pages long.

Committees and Affinity Groups

A number of Standing Committees are designated as core to the organization, and so are represented on the Board; they are Operations, Curriculum, Membership and Let’s Go.

Affinity groups coalesce around common interests and activities. They contribute to the lively social environment at LLAIC. You can find out about them at Activities & Groups page.

LLAIC’s strengths are in its volunteers. Committees, affinity groups and special programs are currently led by those shown on the Board & Governance page. Any time is a good time to jump in and help shape this exciting collaborative venture. Is there a particular group to which you would like to contribute? Be creative! There’s always room for another affinity group or special program. Email us and let us know.

Board of Directors Meetings

They are held on the second Monday of each month, 10:00-12:30. In the interest of transparency, the Board meetings are open to all members of LLAIC. Presently held by Zoom teleconferencing, they otherwise may take place at a new space to be determined.

LLAIC Bylaws

Lifelong Learners: An Independent Collaborative is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization. The activities of the Corporation include, but are not limited to:

(i) fostering the joy of learning in mature adults by providing a stimulating and social environment from which to receive instruction on a diverse collection of intellectually nourishing courses;

(ii) developing and offering academically oriented courses to its members in such areas as literature, history, art, music, economics, government, sociology, education, area studies, psychology, anthropology, religion, mathematics, and the natural and physical sciences; and

(iii) coordinating speaker presentations, discussion groups and other learning activities for its members.

To view the full set of LLAIC bylaws, click here.