Courses Overview

Spring 2025
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Spring 2025
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Spring 2025
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Note: All in-person courses will be held at Temple Shalom in West Newton unless otherwise indicated

I am new to the area and I am thriving at LLAIC! I have truly experienced the joy of learning with no pressure and no stress. The Course Leaders are well prepared and knowledgeable, the other class participants are interesting and interested.

LLAIC Member

I found the readings to be challenging and worthwhile. They introduced me to literature I wouldn’t normally have been exposed to and broadened my understanding of the writers’ styles and thoughts. It is so very helpful to have the input of a group of such bright people. The course was exemplary and reflects the best of what adult learning is about.

LLAIC Member

Course leaders at LLAIC impart much information and narrative in an easygoing, even entertaining, manner; yet a tremendous amount of background context is gained. My classmates are bright, articulate and friendly, making even Zoom meetings enjoyable!

LLAIC Member