Become a member of LLAIC today to take advantage of our reasonably priced courses, and to participate in our year-round events and activities at no additional cost. These are some of the benefits that separate LLAIC from other lifelong learning communities. While you may come for the courses, we know you will stay for the friends!
The membership fee is $100 and is annual from July 1 to June 30. The membership fee is waived for members of Temple Shalom and Course Leaders.

Existing Members

Existing members will need their user ID and password to renew.
New Members

If you are joining for the first time you will need to first set up an account with LLAIC. Click on the button below and fill out the Personal Information form and hit submit. Be sure to save your user ID and password for course registration and membership renewal.
Once you have an account, click on the button below to become a member.
You’re done! You’re all set and are now able to take part in the many no cost activities that take place outside the classroom.
Visit the Activities & Groups to learn more.
If you need assistance call (508) 453-1205 or email
I love the social quality of LLAIC, even more than the classes. The social activities make LLAIC better and different from other lifelong learning programs in the area. That’s why I can’t wait to get back in person.
Join Today!
You can sign up for membership at any time. Membership is required to participate in courses, and to join our numerous activities, including our Summersession and Wintersession programs.
Additional Membership Information
2024 Cancellation/Refund Policy
- The membership fee is non-refundable.
- Course[s] can be cancelled for a 100% refund up to one month before start of the class.
- Course[s] can be cancelled for a 50% refund up to one week before the start of the class.
- Refunds will also be granted for personal or family health reasons.
Course Registration Details
Registration for our low-cost courses is offered twice a year – in spring and fall. The fall semester generally runs from mid-September to mid-December. Visit the Courses Page for the full list of classes. Spring semesters typically run from late February/early March through May. Just before each semester starts, you will receive notice of the classes, timing and registration process through the LLAIC newsletter, The Quill. One of the key features of LLAIC’s registration process is instant confirmation, first-come first-served, of your courses when you register.