In this discussion course, we will read about and discuss the most important and controversial issues regarding the goals and content of education. We will primarily focus on primary and secondary education but will also touch on some issues related to preschool and college education. Among the issues we will discuss are:
- What worked well and less well during the Covid pandemic?
- What should it mean to educate students to participate in our democracy?
- What, if anything, should students be taught about morality and religion?
- What should be taught about sex and sexual orientation?
- How should schools address bullying and cyber-bullying?
- What is the effect of America’s vast economic and social inequality on educational outcomes?
- What should schools teach about the history of racism and discrimination in America?
- How should schools address the increasing diversity of their populations?
- Who controls and who should control our schools?
- How has high-stakes testing affected curriculum and outcomes?
- Who is going into teaching today, and why?
- How effective are charter schools, and how has their introduction affected public schools in the same cities and towns?
Although we have our own views on these issues, we will present the arguments on the major sides of each issue.
Weekly preparation time should be 1-2 hours.